Sparks Restaurant
The Marriott Hotel hired us to rebrand their restaurant and bar in Spartanburg, SC. They had names in mind, but when we took a look at them, we asked to give it a shot. We wanted the name to not only reflect the city, but give the restaurant an identity outside of the hotel. Many hotel restaurants get lost in the mix. This space has an open kitchen with a flaming grill right out in front for the patrons to enjoy. We felt the name Sparks lent itself to an exciting event with a local flare.

Sparks Restaurant Logo
This logo was a lot of fun to work on. The design had to be contemporary and yet conservative enough to fit into the hotel space. The open grill was my inspiration, but I didn't just want to show a flame. This restaurant is so much more than just flame grilled meat. It offers unique Southern fair with local veggies. The simple, yet unique font gives it a clean, contemporary feel without taking over the design. With a name like "Sparks" the logo needed to burst off the page!

Sparks Menu
This elegant menu has an easy insert page on the back so the items can be changed as often as necessary. The padded design with the stainless logo gives it a sophisticated feel and contemporary look.

Interior Sign
Since the entrance to this restaurant is inside the Marriott, we kept the sign simple and mounted to the wall as you enter. It is easily visible from the lobby and a draw for hotel guest. The area outside of the restaurant is a beautiful, redecorated bar called Mesh.

Mesh Logo
We were also hired to design a logo for the bar outside of Sparks restaurant. We wanted it to compliment the restaurant, but also stand on it's own. This simple, elegant design has an infinity symbol that show infinite possibilities for meeting new and exciting people.

Mesh Logo GoBo
We reflected this logo off the center wall in the space. in this beautifully decorated space, they offer food and beverages, fireplace lounging area, pool tables and a wii video gaming area.

Mesh Coffee Bar
In addition to adult beverages, Mesh is also a coffee bar. This sign is visible from the lobby area to draw patrons in for a lite bite and beverages.