This is the journey of a logo. The TPM ColorLab logo has been through several iterations. It's morphed over the years in an effort to stay current. This client prints large format graphics and as times and styles change in the design industry, they want to keep a fresh look. However, the concept has remained the same. You're on dangerous ground when you change your branding too much too often.
This is the journey of a logo. The TPM ColorLab logo has been through several iterations. It's morphed over the years in an effort to stay current. This client prints large format graphics and as times and styles change in the design industry, they want to keep a fresh look. However, the concept has remained the same. You're on dangerous ground when you change your branding too much too often.
TPM ColorLab
TPM ColorLab prints large format graphics and color output for multiple uses. We originally branded them 10 years ago using the a colored labrador retriever. People immediately identified with the dog and the client was happy to have a campaign with "legs" (ie, paws, the tag line: "Here Graphics, Here!", etc).
TPM ColorLab Original Logo Van Wrap
Since they deliver and print their own car wraps, it was an obvious solution to design a vehicle wrap to advertise their capabilities. This easily recognizable graphic was seen running all over town!
ColorLab Rebrand 2012
As time progressed, TPM decided they wanted to update their logo for the ColoLab. In keeping with the same concept, I still wanted something a little playful and yet a design that would show the variety in the kinds of products they offer. One color just wouldn't do for the "color" lab. This forward moving design gave them something to get excited about. A revised tagline offered some freedom to say, "Go crazy, use your imagination... design something wild!"
TPM ColorLab Large Brochure
This is a capabilities piece showcasing their work. It includes 8 pages of work from outdoor large format printing on concrete to small trade show booth panels.