AE Solutions
Our client for over 12 years, we have watched this engineering firm grow from just a few people to over 60 employees and multiple locations including Alaska. AE Solutions designs safety flow systems for industrial plants.

AE Solutions Logo Design
Safety flow systems are at the heart of this design. AE Solutions designs a lifecycle system that is like no other. Their passion for design and attention to detail have made them leaders in their industry. This simple design became the inspiration for the Process Safety Lifecycle graphic that came years later.

AE Solutions Product Brochures
With multiple products and services, AE Solutions has much to offer. This series of brochures beautifully displays that. We color-coded each division which starts with their Process Safety Lifecycle graphic shown below.

Process Lifecycle Oval
As most people know, engineers love their flow charts and as a designer we love to hate them! I'm so proud that through a 2 year effort what was once a boring flow chart, has developed into this beautiful oval. Through many versions, tweaks and adjustments, we've simplified this down to the bare essentials that tell the story of their processes.

Lifecycle Flyer
This flyer tells the whole story of the lifecycle. The base on the oval breaks their company down into three divisions. Our desire was to create beautiful, colorful pieces that would help them stand out in an industry that typically is bland in their marketing.

Large Trade Show Booth
This dynamic booth has proven to be very successful for AE Solutions. We've simplified their story down to two major graphics. AE Shield is a software product they've designed that's featured in this booth. AE University is their training program.

AE Shield Logo Design
AE Shield is first software product AE Solutions has created. The inspiration for this design came from the icon of the original logo turned into a stronger, metallic design on top of a 3 dimensional shield to show strength and confidence in a product that will protect your systems.

AE Shield Full Page Ad
This ad shows some sample screens from the program and the health meter tells that this software will keep your systems running safely. This ran in trade magazines.